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Student Stories

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Meet A Career Changer – Payal Gidwani

A journey from culinary arts to business analytics 

Career change comes with maturity and life experience but stems from the fact that when you’re 18, it’s hard to decide what you’re going to do for the rest of your life. I went to boarding school in South India and later attended…


Angely and Denison

What shapes our education? Our career? Our future? Sometimes great impact can come from a single exchange or a show of empathy at a time when you need someone in your corner to keep you on your path.


I came to Australia from Brazil, with the goal of improving my English.…

Career success in FMCG


Featuring: Angel Navarro / Filipina / Master of Business Analytics

Not everyone can say they get to go to work and experiment every day. But that’s been my experience working in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) industry over the past 13 years.

Looking at my early career,…

Does online networking work?

Featuring: Melodie Vignaud / French / Bachelor of Business

Using LinkedIn for networking or to find a job in Australia isn’t as daunting a task as it may seem to a student. It’s all about having the confidence to put yourself out there in the first place.

I grew up in a ski resort in…

Building a social enterprise focused on real impact

Featuring: Joshua Reid Jones / Australian / Master of Business Administration

I didn’t start out with a strict intention of building a social enterprise in Australia. My sole focus was to design a platform that could help create extraordinary change in the world by spreading ordinary…